
TypeScript Template

This repository template makes it easier to create a new NPM library, package or application using Node.js and TypeScript. It comes with several developer tools pre-configured and ready to use, so it's easier to get started.

You can create a new repository based on this template by clicking the "Use this template" button in the top-right corner of this page.

You can run the following command below with the GitHub CLI. Some notes:

  • Replace placeholder with name of your extension in upper CamelCase
  • Configure your repository's visibility with --public, --private, or --internal
gh repo create {{package}} --public --clone --template neoncitylights/typescript

Using your favorite text editor or IDE, find-and-replace the following placeholders:

  • @author/package: Replace this with the name of your package. This can be scoped under a user/organization (e.g @samantha/my-really-cool-package). Note: This placeholder is different than the others to avoid warnings from the NPM client.
  • {{author}}: Replace this with your GitHub/npm username, or the name of your organization.
  • {{package}}: Replace this with the name of your library.
  • {{desc}}: Replace this with a short description of your library.

Delete this README.md, and rename LIBRARY.md to README.md.

if you haven't authenticated with the NPM CLI already, you'll need to do that first by running npm adduser in the terminal.

  • To publish a non-scoped package (e.g my-cool-package), run npm publish

  • To publish a scoped package (e.g @namespace/my-cool-package), pass the --access flag, which must be either public or private. For example:

    npm publish --access public

[!NOTE] To publish a private package on NPM, you must have npm Pro.

For your CI environment (when using GitHub Actions), you'll need to set the NPM_TOKEN environment variable to the value of your NPM token. You can find this by running npm token list in the terminal, and create a token by running npm token create.

To add your token to your repository:

  1. Go to Settings > Security (Secrets and Variables) > Actions
  2. Press "New repository secret" button
  3. Enter NPM_TOKEN as the name of the secret
  4. Copy and paste the token value
  5. Press "Add secret" button

NPM has core commands that can be overriden by package authors. I've tried to make this as zero-config as possible, so its likely you won't need to change them any further. These commands are:

These are the most relevant commands that you'll likely use:

Command Description
npm run build Build the library for distributing
npm run docs Generate documentation
npm run docs:watch Generate documentation in watch mode
npm run clean Remove all generated files
npm run reinstall Cleans and reinstalls dependencies
npm run lint Check for linting errors
npm run lint:fix Fix linting errors
npm run test Run unit tests
npm run test:ci Run unit tests in CI mode
npm run test:ui Run unit tests in UI/browser mode
npm run test:watch Run unit tests in watch mode
Tool File Documentation
NPM package package.json docs, website
TypeScript tsconfig.json docs, website
TypeDoc (documentation generator) tsconfig.json (typedocOptions) docs, website
ESLint (code formatter + linter) .eslintrc.cjs docs, website
Markdownlint (Markdown linter) .markdownlint-cli2.jsonc docs
Vite (bundler) vite.config.ts docs, website
Vitest (testing framework) vite.config.ts (test) docs, website
Vitest workspace vitest.workspace.ts docs
CodeSandbox CI .codesandbox/ci.json docs, website
Dependabot .github/dependabot.yml docs, website

This software is licensed under the MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or https://opensource.org/license/mit/).

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the MIT license, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.