//! A Rust crate for parsing the datetime microsyntax, as defined by the WHATWG HTML Standard.
//! ## Install
//! ```shell
//! cargo add whatwg-datetime
//! ```
//! ## Usage
//! This library currently implements 8 of the 9 datetime formats defined by the WHATWG HTML Standard. The only format not implemented is the duration format, which is tracked in [issue #23](https://github.com/neoncitylights/whatwg-rust/issues/23).
//! ```rust
//! use chrono::{NaiveDate, NaiveDateTime, NaiveTime, TimeZone, Utc};
//! use whatwg_datetime::parse_global_datetime;
//! assert_eq!(
//! parse_global_datetime("2011-11-18T14:54Z"),
//! Some(Utc.from_utc_datetime(
//! &NaiveDateTime::new(
//! NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2011, 11, 18).unwrap(),
//! NaiveTime::from_hms_opt(14, 54, 0).unwrap(),
//! )
//! ))
//! );
//! ```
mod components;
mod utils;
pub use crate::components::*;
pub type ParseStringFn<T> = dyn Fn(&str) -> Option<T>;
pub type ParseComponentFn<T> = dyn Fn(&str, &mut usize) -> Option<T>;